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Meet Candice

What was life like before bariatric surgery?
I was unable to be comfortable in my skin. I was always tired, sick, hurting, and depressed. I have Crohn’s and diabetes, and I had a flare almost monthly. So the steroids to ease and heal the flare just continued my cycle of weight gain.

If you put off the decision to come in for a long time, why was that? What kept you from booking a consultation?
I’ve been thinking about the surgery for ten years. I went to have it done in 2012 but failed preop testing for being pregnant. Then I was unable to have it covered by my new insurance. So I waited until I was able to have it covered. Really, it was for the better that I waited. My headspace and control are so much better now than ten years ago.

What was it like to work with the team, from the start of your journey to today?
So seamless. I always knew what was next. Dr. Schneiderjan and the team are just a blessing. Everyone from reception to nurses is truly caring.

What is your life like now? What’s the #1 thing you love being able to do now?
I do not hurt. I am rarely tired, and I haven’t had a flare in over six months. I exercise 3-5 times a week. I fit into clothes. My self-esteem is skyrocketing. I feel great.

My self-esteem is skyrocketing. I feel great.
