Meet Margaret

What was life like before bariatric surgery?
Walking anywhere, climbing stairs, and being able to keep up with friends and family was probably one of the biggest frustrations I experienced. I hated being short of breath and having to stop in order to be able to breathe – huffing and puffing!
If you put off the decision to come in for a long time, why was that? What kept you from booking a consultation?
I put off booking an appointment because of preconceived ideas on cost, safety and perceived dangers of the surgery. And, I probably still thought I could lose the weight if I really tried.
What was it like to work with the team, from the start of your journey to today?
The BEST thing I have ever done for myself, was realize I couldn’t lose the weight by myself, thus, taking the step for the surgery has changed my life! Working with the doctors and staff, being encouraged by them, and yes, even prayed for has given me back the life I once knew and took for granted!
What is your life like now? What’s the #1 thing you love being able to do now?
I actually like going to the gym now, riding the bike and doing weight training. I absolutely love that I can walk without being short of breath, climb stairs and no out of breath feeling! I love the energy to be more productive! And I like cooking again (well, sometimes)!
I actually like going to the gym now, riding the bike and doing weight training. I love the energy to be more productive!
Margaret J